Increased training allowance for Youth Employment and Training Programme trainees

Commencing from 23 February 2024, the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) of the Labour Department (LD) has increased the amount of training allowance for trainees to a maximum of $333 per day. Trainees may enrol in training courses of Employees Retraining Board (ERB) or the YETP with the assistance of their case managers with a view to enhancing their employability and preparing them for entering the employment market.
Eligible YETP trainees who completed a training course and attained 80% attendance or more are entitled to a training allowance. For training courses commencing on or after 23 February 2024, the amount of training allowance payable for “Youth Training Programme” courses of Employees Retraining Board (ERB) will be calculated at a rate of $167 per valid training day, while that for other ERB courses and the YETP courses will be calculated at a rate of $333 per day (i.e. $166.5 per valid training session).
About the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) |