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...government job opportunitiesappointments to the civil service are based on the principle of open and fair competition. All candidates are assessed on the basis of their ability, performance and character, and having regard to the stipulated entry requirements set according to the job requirements of the grade concerned.Non-ethnic chinese applicants, like all others, have equal access to government job opportunities. Heads of department / grade, having regard to the job requirements of the grades under their respective purview, specify appropriate chinese and english language proficiency requirements (lprs) as part of the entry requirements for the grades concerned. This arrangement is in line with the guidance of the equal opportunities commission issued in accordance with the race discrimination ordinance.
Gov Job


...government jobs: government jobs for both civil service posts and non-civil service positions.- dse way out: government jobs: the qualification requirements of government jobs- youth.Gov.Hk - gov job: a list of government job vacancies   sources:labour department - youth employment startgovhk
Career & Study


...government jobs are accepting applications all year round. Check them out if you are interested.  civil service vacancies which accept all year round applications job title: correctional services department - assistant officer ii salary: hkd$22325 per month academic requirement: secondary 5details and apply job title: customs and excise department - customs officersalary: hkd$23625 per monthacademic requirement: hkdsee results/hkcee resultsdetails and apply job title: department of health - dental hygienistsalary: hkd$18120 per month academic requirement: associate degree or higher diplomadetails and apply job title: department of health - dental officersalary: hkd$65875 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - medical and health officer salary: hkd$72225 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: fire services department - station officer (operational)  salary: hkd$44840 per month academic requirement: degree/associate degree or higher diploma/diploma from a registered post-secondary college/hkdsee results/hkale results details and apply job title: hong kong police force - police constablesalary: hkd$26845 per month academic requirement: hkdsee results/hkcee resultsdetails and apply job title: hong kong police force - police inspector  salary: hkd$48255 per month academic requirement: degree/associate degree or higher diploma/diploma from a registered post-secondary collegedetails and apply job title: immigration department - immigration assistant salary: hkd$23295 per month academic requirement: hkdsee results/hkcee resultsdetails and apply non-civil service vacancies which accept all year round applications job title: department of health - contract doctorsalary: hkd$65875 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract doctor (special registration)salary: hkd$65875 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract doctor (families clinic)  salary: hkd$65875 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract doctor (antimicrobial resistance) salary: hkd$65875 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract doctor (without full registration)salary: hkd$65875 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract doctor (without full registration) (families clinic) salary: hkd$65875 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract doctor (without full registration) (antimicrobial resistance) salary: hkd$65875 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract senior doctor (antimicrobial resistance) salary: hkd$129375 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract senior doctor (private healthcare facilities) salary: hkd$129375 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - part-time contract doctor salary: hkd$426 per hour academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - part-time contract doctor (narcotics & drug administration division) salary: hkd$426 per hour academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - senior clinician (orthodontics) salary: hkd$129375 per month academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - senior clinician (oral maxillofacial surgery)  salary: hkd$736 per houracademic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract dentist (orthodontics)  salary: hkd$88015 per month  academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - contract dentist (oral maxillofacial surgery) salary: hkd$65875 per month  academic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - part-time contract dentist (endodontics)  salary: hkd$519 per houracademic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - part-time contract dentist (community dentistry)  salary: hkd$388 per houracademic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title: department of health - part-time senior clinician (endodontics)salary: hkd$736 per houracademic requirement: professional qualificationdetails and apply job title:  education bureau - temporary laboratory technician iisalary: hkd$21875 per monthacademic requirement: hkdsee results/hkcee results job title:  education bureau - temporary teacher (government primary school)  salary: hkd$35915 per month academic requirement: degree/teacher certificatedetails and apply job title:  education bureau - temporary teacher (government secondary school)  salary: hkd$32545 per month academic requirement: degreedetails and apply job title:  education bureau - various posts in government secondary and primary schoolssalary: hkd$13315 per month academic requirement: degree/associate degree or higher diploma/diploma or higher certificate/hkale results/hkcee results/secondary 5/secondary 4/others : completion of primary 6 or abovedetails and apply job title: government logistics department - binding machine operator  salary: hkd$101.6 per houracademic requirement: diploma or higher certificate/certificate/secondary 3 or below/primary 6 or below/others: satisfactorily completed an approved and relevant printing apprenticeship scheme.Details and apply job title: government logistics department - printing labourersalary: hkd$65.8 per houracademic requirement: primary 6 or belowdetails and apply job title: government logistics department - printing machine operator  salary: hkd$106.3 per houracademic requirement: diploma or higher certificate/certificate/secondary 3 or below/primary 6 or below/others: satisfactorily completed an approved and relevant printing apprenticeship scheme.Details and apply   for other governement jobs vancancies, please visit "government vacancies" in civil service bureau website。
Gov Job


...government jobs have always been popular, yet some of them require the candidates to sit for the common recruitment examination (cre) and basic law and national security law test (blnst). So what are the eligibilities for applying the cre and blnst?>>>must be a holder of a bachelor’s degree or will attain one in next academic yearplease note that, however, an associate degree does not count. Applicants who fall into neither of the above two categories should hold a qualification that meets the entry requirements on professional qualifications for civil service degree or professional posts.If you are a registered student of the hong kong institute of certified public accountants (hkicpa) qualification programme, you may apply to sit for the cre and blnst even if you do not possess a degree since the said qualification is accepted for applying for the post of assistant assessor.However, if you are a registered social worker under the social workers registration ordinance but do not possess a degree, you are not eligible for sitting for the cre and blnst since the entry requirements for the post of assistant social work officer include both a professional qualification and a relevant degree.Before applying for the cre and blnst, you are advised to check from the csb website and with the recruiting departments concerned to confirm whether the qualification you are holding is accepted for appointment to the relevant civil service degree / professional post(s). You may also contact the civil service examinations unit by phone at 2537 6429, by e-mail to csbcseu@csb.Gov.Hk, or by post to room 718, 7/f, west wing, central government offices, 2 tim mei avenue, tamar, hong kong for relevant details. Contributing editor: sophie
Gov Job
