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[Preparation] Reprioritising of Programme Choices under JUPAS


[Preparation] Reprioritising of Programme Choices under JUPAS

As the saying goes, “Opportunity is open to those well prepared for it”. The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) results will be released soon, have you prepared yourself for the multiple possibilities of your study path?

FOUR Principles for Reprioritising of Programme Choices under Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS)

Students have the opportunity of reprioritising their programme choices under JUPAS after the announcement of the HKDSE results. We have extracted some necessary tips for your preparation in reprioritising your programme choices and choosing post-secondary programmes. The principles are:

  1. Understand your interests, abilities and career aspirations. Interest should be the most important factor affecting your choice. Think carefully about which programmes you really like and the planning after graduation. It is a precious time to study undergraduate programmes which last for four years. Your university life will not be happy if you study in a programme you have no interest at all.
  2. Refer to the past records of admission qualification of your preferred programmes. You may refer to the past records of admission qualification of the programmes you prefer and pay attention to the number of intakes of each programme.
  3. Check whether you will be able to meet the programme entrance requirements of individual universities; list the programme in Band A if you are given a “conditional offer” or “bonus points”.
  4. If you are interested in certain professional subjects, you may consider the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP). In 2023/24 academic year, 47 degree courses are included, namely Health Care, Architecture and Engineering, Testing and Certification, Creative Industry, Logistics, Tourism and Hospitality, Computer Science, Financial Technology, Insurance, and Sports and Recreation. You may apply via JUPAS. You should consider your own interests and abilities when choosing a suitable programme.

For more, please visit “Principles for Reprioritising of Programme Choices under Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) and Tips for Choosing Post-secondary Programmes not covered by JUPAS” (Page 12) of the  “Careers Guidance Handbook for Secondary School Graduates 2022” published by the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters.


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