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Financial Assistance for Tertiary Students


Financial Assistance for Tertiary Students


There are a number of scholarships available to tertiary students in Hong Kong. Most of the scholarships are offered by funds. As the nature of the scholarships varies, the requirements for the applicants differ. In general, applicants for scholarships should have outstanding performance in their studies. You may visit the relevant websites to understand more about the requirements of individual scholarships.

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund

The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund was set up through public donations in April 1987 in memory of the late Governor, Sir Edward Youde. The purpose of the Fund is to provide for and encourage the education or learning of or research by the people of Hong Kong locally or overseas. The Fund offers several scholarships including scholarships for undergraduates and diploma course studentsfellowships for postgraduate students, and fellowships/scholarships for disabled students.

Sir Robert Black Trust Fund

Moreover, there are also scholarships offered by the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund, which provides awards to individuals in pursuit of postgraduate studies or other training programmes at both local and overseas institutions.

Education Scholarships Fund

Education Scholarships Fund is made annually to tertiary students on the recommendations of the relevant institutions.

Scholarships in Agricultural and Fisheries Industries

If you are employed in, or have family members employed in the agricultural and fisheries industries, or if you wish to enter the industries, you can apply for the scholarships under the Tertiary Education Awards of the Agricultural Products Scholarship Fund and Marine Fish Scholarship Fund.

Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers 

The Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers provides awards to students who pursue relevant local bachelor degree programmes and/ or teacher training programmes which will qualify them to become English language teachers on graduation.

Grantham Scholarships Fund

The Grantham Scholarships Fund was raised by the people of Hong Kong to commemorate the governorship of Sir Alexander Grantham, and offers scholarships for students in Open University of Hong Kong, Vocational Training Council, and Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme

The Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme aims to support local students to pursue studies in world renowned universities outside Hong Kong, with a view to grooming a top cadre of talents with global vision, international network and world-class education, thereby contributing to enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness as Asia’s World City in a globalised knowledge economy. The scheme also seeks to support those students who have excellent academic achievement but lack the financial means to study in top-notch universities outside Hong Kong.

More scholarships

Local tertiary institutions and some organisations also offer scholarships for tertiary students. You may visit the relevant links of the Life Planning Information Website of the Education Bureau and Student Finance Office, Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency for further information.

Grants and loans 

Apart from scholarships, disadvantaged tertiary students may apply for interest-free loan including loans from the Sing Tao Charitable Foundation Students' Loan Fund and the Hong Kong Rotary Club Students' Loan Fund.

Student Financial Assistance Scheme

Disadvantaged students can apply for financial assistance through the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students or the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes, which are subject to the means test and the asset test, and travel subsidy through the Student Travel Subsidy Scheme, which is means-tested. Students can also consider applying for loans under the Non-means-tested Loan Scheme.