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DSE Way out: Repeating S6/Private candidates


DSE Way out: Repeating S6/Private candidates

Before deciding whether to repeat S6, students should think and consider:

(i) the reasons for the unsatisfactory results;
(ii) the confidence of making improvement in the new attempt;
(iii) the advice and suggestions of teachers and family; and
(iv) whether there are other study pathways.

For Repeaters

School-based Assessment (SBA) is compulsory for S6 school repeaters. However, students are required to submit SBA marks for S6 only, which will be proportionally adjusted to the full weighting of individual subjects and incorporated into their subject mark. Their SBA results obtained in previous examinations will not be counted.

The Education Bureau (EDB) has released the list of “List of schools admitting HKDSE S6 repeaters from the other schools (2023/24 school year)" at the Designated Webpage for S6 Students.

For Private Candidates

Private candidates are not required to complete the SBA component of the subjects entered. Their subject marks will be based entirely on their public examination results. For Visual Arts in which the SBA component carries a weighting of 50%, private candidates will be required to submit a portfolio in lieu of the SBA.

Repeating S6 is definitely not the only option. Multiple pathways under the New Academic Structure are available to senior secondary graduates. Students can consider applying for subdegree programmes or other programmes/training, including Diploma of Applied Education Programme, Vocational and Professional Education and Training programmes, Youth Employment and Training Programme of the Labour Department or employment. For more information, please visit EDB's Designated Webpage for S6 Students.