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Young Entrepreneurs

Social Entrepreneur Series – Relentless Work for AR Learning [Education and Learning]

Social Entrepreneur Series – Relentless Work for AR Learning [Education an

Social Entrepreneurs - Zero Wong and Ernest Chan


Ernest Chan, co-founder of AESIR, joined his partner, Zero Wong to start their own business. They had been through difficult times, but still gritted their teeth as both believe that “It is now or never; we have to act now to change the society.”

AESIR specialises in developing AR interactive learning games for SEN (Special Education Needs) students. During his voluntary service, Ernest observed that SEN students were more sensitive to visual stimulation. He was hence inspired to design interesting AR interactive games in a story format, aiming to help SEN students learn in a more efficient way.

The road of social innovation was anything but straight for the duo. Their first product was an AR flashcard, which ended silently in failure. Other 3 to 4 different products were launched, but none of them won the consumers’ hearts. Yet, the two fighters were not defeated. “Hang on to what you think is right.” Their endurance was finally rewarded. Their company received job orders and got connected to people related to SEN education. Their business was in a better shape eventually. 

Their advice for the fellow entrepreneurs is that, “Research is the key. Try to observe, analyse and predict the market needs and trends. Besides, as traditional wisdom teaches us, acquire your wealth in a noble way, and spend it in a wise way too.”


Innovative Venture – AR Training Play

The innovative venture mentioned above is funded by the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund and assisted and supported by the Fund’s intermediaries in project implementation.  The details of the innovative venture are as follows:


Name of Organisation: AESIR

Service nature: education and learning

Beneficiary group: children and youth

Project type: Start-up

Intermediary Programme: Impact Incubator


What is Social Entrepreneur Series?

Stories of how other social entrepreneurs aspired to start their own business might facilitate your social innovation and entrepreneurship exploration.

A series of social entrepreneur stories will be featured and categorised into six sub-series: Education and Learning, Job Training and Opportunities, Community Participation, Healthcare, Food and Transport.  What you are going to read are stories of social entrepreneurs taking forward the startup projects that help themselves and others.