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H2OPE Centre hydrates young minds

H2OPE Centre hydrates young minds

Have you ever wondered how raindrops are transformed into drinking water, and how does the water cycle work?

The H2OPE Centre (H2O Public Education Centre) is a public education centre aiming at enhancing public’s knowledge of water conservation. Through the exhibits, live demonstrations and interactive games, visitors can gain a thorough understanding of various issues related to water resources in Hong Kong.

12 Thematic Exhibition Zones

Visitors could learn how rain passes through catchwaters in mountains and is filtered and distributed to people’s homes at one of the 54 games or displays at the water education centre.  They can also try their hand at a fishing simulator to learn about tips and advice on fishing in reservoirs, watch immersive videos at the centre’s 3D dome theatre and discover ways to recycle and save water at other attractions.


Virtual Tour Breaks Physical Barriers

No worries if you are not able to visit the centre in person! Water Supplies Department has also launched a virtual tour so that members of the public could view the exhibits while staying at home.

Plan Your Visit

With crowd management measures, admission is not guaranteed for visitors without booking. Interested organisations or individual visitors are therefore encouraged to make booking by logging on to the Online Booking System to make applications.

For details, please visit the website of H2OPE Centre.