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Young Entrepreneurs

Volunteer Service

Volunteer Service

Service Corps

Many of us were moved by the selfless act of Hong Kong volunteer Mr WONG Fuk-wing for his unreserved commitment to helping the orphans in Yushu, Qinghai. Many Hong Kong young people have joined Service Corps [Chinese version only] and been passionate about voluntary work and rendered volunteer service in both Hong Kong and the Mainland.

4C Youth Volunteer Leadership Project

With focus on 4C development (Confidence, Care, Commitment and Courage), the project fosters holistic development, nurtures healthy personality and good civic awareness of the youth through volunteer training and volunteer service. It supports the youth leaders to set up volunteer teams in schools; mobilise and organising their fellow students to volunteer, to learn and care more about their own community.

Green Volunteer Scheme

If you are interested in being part of the Green Hong Kong campaign, you are most welcome to join the Green Volunteer Scheme. Under this programme, you can take part in simple horticultural maintenance of street trees, provide outreach services to schools and elderly centres, and serve as stewards in greening promotion activities.

Youth Volunteer Network

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups has also established a Youth Volunteer Network [Chinese version only] to provide young people with basic training and voluntary service opportunities. Active participating volunteers will be given awards and certificates.

Volunteer trainings

Moreover, the Agency for Volunteer Service also offers referral services for those who wish to volunteer. To help you become a professional volunteer, the Agency has established a Volunteer Training and Development Centre to provide diversified training for volunteers. What’s more, you may have a chance to be a representative at international and regional conferences to exchange and network with volunteer organisations abroad.