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Young Entrepreneurs

Chemical Safety Poster Design Competition 2024-2025

Chemical Safety Poster Design Competition 2024-2025

The Chemical Safety and Health Advisory Committee of the Council in collaboration with the Labour Department, Education Bureau and the Fire Services Department is coorganizing the Chemical Safety Poster Design Competition 2024-2025. The competition aims to disseminate the OSH information and promote the importance of chemical safety while cultivating a proper safety culture through a creative way.

Submission should be in A3 ‘Poster’ format (420mm x 297mm). There are three categories for the competition: Primary Group, Secondary Group and Open Group.

Deadline for submission: 7th April 2025 (Monday)

Student Group: Champion, First, Second and Third Runner-up and Merit Prizes, up to HK$2,000 worth of gift vouchers with trophies and certificates.

Open Group: Champion, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up and Merit Prizes, up to HK$3,000 cash prize with trophy and certificate.


15-01-2025 ~ 07-04-2025


Occupational Safety and Health Council, Labour Department, Education Bureau and the Fire Services Department



Enrolment method

Online enrolment


9738 4174 (WhatsApp text inquiries only)