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Young Entrepreneurs

e-Book Highlights - Unique People – World of Martial Arts


e-Book Highlights - Unique People – World of Martial Arts

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《Matial Arts Fun》


Martial Arts are thrilling to watch but they are even more fun to do. Kids can take part in the sport by learning what martial arts are, what gears and skills are needed, what happens during lessons, and how to be a good sports. A skill-building activity helps kids participate in the fun.  

Author: Meister, Cari
Publisher: Capstone, 2021
Source: OverDrive eBooks

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 陳岸峰作
Publisher: 中華書局(香港)有限公司,2015
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: SUEP eBooks

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(Please refer to the Chinese version) 

Author: 孔慶東著;龐書緯著
Publisher: 龍圖騰文化出版, 2012
Source: HyRead eBooks

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 李衛疆著
Publisher: 大喜文化出版,2014
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: HyRead eBooks

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