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e-Book Highlights - Artificial Intelligence

e-Book Highlights - Artificial Intelligence

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《後就業社會 : 誰是科技貴族?誰的人工智能?》


(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 鄒崇銘, 韓江雪
Publisher: 印象文字
Source: Joy Read Club eBooks

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 行道 
Publisher: 青森文化
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: SUEP eBooks

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《Artificial Intelligence For Dummies》


If you're curious about how AI is developed—or question whether AI is real—Artificial Intelligence For Dummies holds the answers you're looking for. Starting with a basic definition of AI and explanations of data use, algorithms, special hardware, and more, this reference simplifies this complex topic for anyone who wants to understand what operates the devices we can't live without. This book will help you: Separate the reality of artificial intelligence from the hype Know what artificial intelligence can accomplish and what its limits are Understand how AI speeds up data gathering and analysis to help you make informed decisions more quickly See how AI is being used in hardware applications like drones, robots, and vehicles Know where AI could be used in space, medicine, and communication fields sooner than you think Almost 80 percent of the devices you interact with every day depend on some sort of AI.

Author: John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron
Publication: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2022
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: EBSCOhost eBooks


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《Newsmakers : Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism》


Will the use of artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms, and smart machines be the end of journalism as we know it—or its savior? In Newsmakers, Francesco Marconi, who has led the development of the Associated Press and Wall Street Journal's use of AI in journalism, offers a new perspective on the potential of these technologies. He explains how reporters, editors, and newsrooms of all sizes can take advantage of the possibilities they provide to develop new ways of telling stories and connecting with readers. Marconi analyzes the challenges and opportunities of AI through case studies ranging from financial publications using algorithms to write earnings reports to investigative reporters analyzing large data sets to outlets determining the distribution of news on social media.

Author: Francesco Marconi
Publication: Columbia University Press. 2020
Source: EBSCOhost eBooks


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(The information is provided by Hong Kong Public Libraries)