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e-Book Highlights - Inside out – Personality Tests


e-Book Highlights - Inside out – Personality Tests

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《Discovering Your Personality Type -The Essential Introduction to the Enneagram》


Discovering Your Personality Type is the bestselling beginner's guide to identifying and understanding the nine personality profiles and applying them to your daily life.

It is the essential introduction to this system, a psychological framework that can be used practically, in many aspects of daily life. This revised and updated edition features the all-new, scientifically validated Riso-Hudson Type Indicator, and has also been refined and simplified to appeal especially to beginners and anyone interested in unlocking the secrets of personality.

Author: Don Richard Riso, Russ Hudson
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2020
Source: Overdrive eBooks

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(Please refer to the Chinese version) 

Author: 劉振中編著
Publisher: 菁品文化,2017
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: HyRead e-Magazine

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《你沒問題, 只欠缺找到自己強項:用「全腦思維分析」找回最強本質, 做事得心應手, 看穿人心跟誰都合得來》

(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 中村泰彥著;羊恩媺譯
Publisher: 格致文化,2020
Source: HyRead ebook

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 速溶綜合研究所、倪慢慢
Publisher: 香港中和,2020
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: HyRead ebook

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(The information is provided by Hong Kong Public Libraries)