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e-Book Highlights - Photography Techniques


e-Book Highlights - Photography Techniques

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《Understanding Digital Black and White Photography》


This practical book is written for readers with a passion for monochrome photography, who wish to use digital photography to deliver images with levels of beauty and impact that are sometimes lost or diluted by the presence of colour.   

Author: Savage, Tim
Publisher: Crowood, 2016
Source: Overdrive eBooks

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《Low Light and Night Photography》

As a key to all photography, this book helps you to understand and use light to take and create stunning shots without much light but still retaining impact and depth. It shows you how to capture the drama and excitement of a scene by using colours, shapes and shadows, and then how to reveal hidden details with digital manipulation.

Author: Freeman, Neil
Publisher: Crowood, 2017
Source: Overdrive eBooks

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《那一刻, 我的餐桌日常:食物攝影師的筆記》


(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 沈倩如作
Publisher: 時報文化,2017
Source: HyRead電子書

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《風景攝影達人不藏私. 2, 晨昏、縮時攝影竅門大公開》


(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 林世忠著
Publisher: 碁峰資訊,2017
Source: HyRead電子書

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 陳宗亨著
Publisher: 創意市集出版,2018
Source: HyRead電子書

(The information is provided by Hong Kong Public Libraries)

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