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e-Book Highlights - Physical and Mental Health - Emotional Self-management


e-Book Highlights - Physical and Mental Health - Emotional Self-management

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《Taking Charge of Anger : Six Steps to Asserting Yourself without Losing Control》


Anger expert Dr. Robert Nay guides you to:
•    Figure out which of the five "faces of anger" are a problem for you, from passive–aggression to all-out rage.
•    Recognize the early warning signs of anger in your physical sensations and thoughts.
•    Master cooling-off strategies that work in the heat of the moment.
•    Identify and change unrealistic expectations you have for yourself and other people.
•    Communicate effectively when differences arise.
•    Practice your new skills in everyday life—until they become second nature.

Author: Nay, W. Robert
Publisher: Guilford Publications, 2014
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: Overdrive eBooks

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《Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens》


In this book, you'll find new ways of managing your feelings and riding the ups and downs of life with grace and confidence so that you'll be ready to handle anything life sends your way. Based in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a type of therapy designed to help people who have a hard time handling their intense emotions.
This book offers easy techniques to help you:
•  Stay calm and mindful in difficult situations
•  Effectively manage out-of-control emotions
•  Reduce the pain of intense emotions
•  Get along with family and friends   

Author: Van Dijk, Sheri
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications, 2011
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: Overdrive eBooks

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《心理情緒自救術:挽救壞心情, 控制好情緒, 掌握好人生》

(Please refer to the Chinese version) 

Author: 石磊著
Publisher: 悅讀名品出版,2018
Source: HyRead ebook

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《別讓猴子控制你的情緒大腦:打破焦慮迴圈, 找回人生掌控權》

(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 珍妮佛.夏農(Jennifer Shannon)著;道格.夏農(Doug Shannon)插畫;蔡宗翰譯
Publisher: 如果出版,2020
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: HyRead ebook

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《停止拖延的情緒行為動力學:10-10-10法則鍛鍊意志力, 不藉口懶散、半途而廢》


(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author:彼得.霍林斯(Peter Hollins)著;呂孟娟譯
Publisher: 方言文化,2020
Source: HyRead ebook

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(The information is provided by Hong Kong Public Libraries)