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e-Book Highlights - Biology and Genetics


e-Book Highlights - Biology and Genetics

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《30-Second Genetics: the 50 most revolutionary discoveries in genetics, each explained in half a minute》


Authors are both expert professors in the field of genetics, and they write with clarity, stripping the subject to its barely necessities. Each subject, concept or term is explored in a merely 30 seconds, 300 words and 1 image making this a perfect book for genetics. 

Author:Jonathan Weitzman, Mathew Weitzman
Publisher:MIT Press, 2010
Printed Book:Library Catalogue
Source: OverDrive eBooks

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 馬文麗
Publisher: 華南理工大學出版社,2010
Source: Apabi Chinese eBooks

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 袁婺洲 編著
Publisher: 化学工業,2019
Source: Apabi Chinese eBooks

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