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【Artslink】Her Life of Art: Tale of the Two Cities - Karen Wong

【Artslink】Her Life of Art: Tale of the Two Cities - Karen Wong

Karen Wong, a graduate of the Hong Kong Art School and an exchange student of the Royal Academy of Arts, shares with BACKSTAGE her journey and thoughts on the two schools.

A: Artslink
K: Karen Wong

A: From an Advanced Diploma all the way to a Master’s, any moments stand out in particular throughout your journey at the Hong Kong Art School?

K: In her “Critical Thinking” course for the Advanced Diploma programme, Ms Fiona Wong asked us to look for curiosity or surprises that could fill a cabinet.  I still take this to heart.  A life without curiosity is like living without a soul.  The “3D Specialization” course was another highlight.  I always thought I would do a major in painting, but the School has significantly widened our horizons.  That course introduced me to ceramic arts and I have since then intrigued to learn more about it. 

A: How has the Hong Kong Art School inspired you into becoming an artist?
K: I have worked in the field of construction for many years before going to the School.  In 2015, I launched my ceramic studio and started teaching ceramics.  I officially became a full-time artist in late 2017.  The School has changed my life.  In addition to practical skills, I have learnt how to think like an artist.  I have come to understand the development of an artwork as well as the questions that need to be asked and answered during the creative process.  I have become more confident and I am no longer afraid of starting all over again when my work does not meet my expectations. 

A: How did you feel when you knew you were selected as an exchange student at the Royal Academy of Arts?  Did you have any expectations?

K: Most honoured and grateful for the Hong Kong Art School for the opportunity.  I looked forward to learning from and working with other students.  I also hoped I could participate in as many exhibitions and workshops as possible during my time in the UK.

A: Would you mind telling us about your current collaboration with the Royal Academy of Arts?

K: The project is a ceramic diary of an artist-in-residence that uses ceramic artworks as means to communicate, to promote social responses.  I hope that this project can initiate an artistic dialogue between the arts schools in London and Hong Kong and students of the Hong Kong Art School can enjoy the fruit of this collaboration.

Special thanks to: Artslink from Hong Kong Arts Centre and Ms Karen Wong