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e-Book Highlights - Hills and Mountains – Guide to Hiking


e-Book Highlights - Hills and Mountains – Guide to Hiking

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《48 Peaks》


Despite a fear of heights, Cheryl Suchors’ mid-life success depends on hiking the highest of the grueling White Mountains in New Hampshire. All forty-eight of them.

Connecting with friends and with nature, Suchors redefines success: she discovers a source of spiritual nourishment, spaces powerful enough to absorb her grief, and joy in the persistence of love and beauty. 48 Peaks inspires us to believe that, no matter what obstacles we face, we too can attain our summits.   

Author: Cheryl Suchors
Publisher: She Writes Press, 2018
Source: Overdrive eBooks

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《山野漫遊 : 女生行山指南》

(Please refer to the Chinese version) 

Author: 鍾芯豫,楊樂陶
Publisher: 萬里機構,2020
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: SUEP e-Book

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: JoyeeWalker
Publisher: 萬里機構,2019
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: SUEP e-Book

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《漫走洛磯山脈10大私房路線 : 專業旅遊工作者25年經驗分享x超過3000次帶團全紀錄》


(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 凱瑞
Publisher: 雅書堂文化,2018
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: HyRead ebook

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(The information is provided by Hong Kong Public Libraries)