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Young Entrepreneurs

e-Book Highlights – Tech-Savvy Era


e-Book Highlights – Tech-Savvy Era

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Author: Hod Lipson, Melba Kurman
Publisher: MIT Press, 2016
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: OverDrive eBooks


In this book, the authors offer readers insight of risks and benefits of driverless cars and a lucid and engaging explanation of the enabling technology. Recent advances in software and robotics are toppling long-standing technological barriers that for decades have confined self-driving cars to the realm of fantasy.  A new kind of artificial intelligence software called deep learning gives cars rapid and accurate visual perception. Human drivers can relax and take their eyes off the road. 

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《Wearable Technology in Medicine and Health Care》

Author: Raymond Tong
Publisher: Elsevier Science, 2018
Source: OverDrive eBooks


This book provides readers with the most current research and information on the clinical and biomedical applications of wearable technology. It presents the main applications and challenges in the biomedical implementation of wearable devices, such as personal entertainment and continuous monitoring of human vital signs.  This book also discuss the challenges inherent to these rapidly evolving technologies.

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 周博裕, 李鈞陶
Publisher: 信報出版社,2015
Source: Scholar World ebooks

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(Please refer to the Chinese version)

Author: 李偉才
Publisher: 閱亮點出版,2021
Printed Book: Library Catalogue
Source: Scholar World ebooks

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