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Young Entrepreneurs

Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (BUD Fund) - Mainland Programme

Funding Support
To provide funding support for individual Hong Kong enterprises to undertake projects to develop brands, upgrade and restructure their business operations and promote sales in the Mainland, so as to enhance their competitiveness and to facilitate their business development in the Mainland. To enable more enterprises to make use of the funding to develop their business, “Easy BUD” has been launched to expedite the application and processing procedures for smaller projects.
Maximum Amount
Funding Support
Contact Tel No.
2788 6088
Application Deadline
All year round
Hong Kong Productivity Council
Maximum Amount
HK$7,000,000 (The total cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise is $7,000,000 (both Mainland Programme and FTA and IPPA Programme included).)
Duration of Support
Maximum of 24 months and 12 months for general application and “Easy BUD” respectively.
Scope of Support
Branding, upgrading & restructuring and promoting sales, such as brand strategy, adoption of advanced technology and sales channel establishment and management etc.
SMEs, including start-ups

Non-listed enterprises registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Chapter 310); and Have substantive business operations in Hong Kong

Additional Information

Funding will be provided on a matching basis, i.e. the Government will cover a maximum of 50% of the total approved project cost and the enterprise has to contribute no less than 50% of the total project cost in cash. During the tenure of the BUD Fund, funding support will be granted to each enterprise for a maximum of 70 approved projects and the cumulative funding ceiling for all approved projects under “BUD Fund” per enterprise is HK$7,000,000. Funding ceilings for each approved project of general application and “Easy BUD” are HK$1,000,000 and HK$100,000 respectively.

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