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What you need to know when applying for OLO II (Official Languages Officer II)


What you need to know when applying for OLO II (Official Languages Officer

Roles and Duties of Official Languages Officers
Official Languages Officers are mainly deployed on the following types of duties in bureaux and departments:
- translating Chinese into English and vice versa;
- interpreting in English/Cantonese/Putonghua at boards, committees, meetings and interviews;
- attending meetings for the purpose of producing minutes in Chinese and English;
- providing language-related support services such as drafting and vetting documents in Chinese and English, and advising on the use of the two official languages; and
- assisting in office management work.

Entry Requirements
1. a bachelor's degree from a university in Hong Kong, or equivalent;
2. attained Level 2 results in the two language papers (Use of Chinese and Use of English) in the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), or equivalent; and
3. a Pass result in the Basic Law and National Security Law Test (BLNST) (Degree / Professional Grades).
(Remarks: Applicants will be required to pass the Official Languages Officer Written Examination)

Official Languages Officer Written Examination (OLOWE)
Eligible applicants will be invited to sit for the OLOWE. The OLOWE includes papers on Practical Writing (Chinese and English) and Translation (Chinese to English and vice versa). Applicants who pass the OLOWE will be selected for interpretation test and interview based on their results in the OLOWE. Those who are not selected for interpretation test and interview will be notified in writing in eight to ten weeks after the examination. As it takes time to process all applications, an invitation to the OLOWE does not imply that an applicant's qualifications meet the entry requirements.

Tips for Taking the OLOWE*

攻略1︰平日根基要打穩 攻略2︰應試答題勿慌忙 攻略3︰筆試前夕準備清單
Tips for Taking the OLOWE Tips for Taking the OLOWE Tips for Taking the OLOWE


Tips for Taking the Interpretation Test and Interview*

Tips for Taking the Interpretation Test and InterviewTips for Taking the Interpretation Test and Interview


*Source: Civil Service Bureau Facebook; Chinese only


Remuneration Package
1. Starting Salary: Master Pay Scale Point 14, which is at present HK$32,430 per month
2. Annual Vacation Leave: 18 days per year
3. Fringe Benefits: medical and dental benefits; housing benefits

For more details, please visit the website of Civil Service Bureau.