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Young Entrepreneurs

Startup How-Tos: What is your most suitable field for starting a business?


Startup How-Tos: What is your most suitable field for starting a business?

Young people may have questions and doubts in exploring the career pathway: should I start a business? Can I handle it? Which industry is suitable for me? The three quiz tools below provide further references for your better understanding in your strengths and potentials before starting a business.

1. Y.E.S. Services – Career Assessment Kit

Professor WONG Chi-sum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong has developed a comprehensive career assessment kit which includes Big-Five Personality Scale, Career Maturity Scale, Entrepreneurship Potential and more. You may try it for free.

2. Employee’s Retraining Board - Training and Career Needs Test

The test is designed with reference to the Self-Directed Search (SDS) assessment tool developed by John Holland, which briefly classifies both people and working environment according to six basic types. You may have a preliminary understanding of your career aspirations and select a suitable field for entrepreneurship and relevant training courses.

3. – Career Quizzes

There are three career quizzes are provided by the Skill-Career Quiz, Interest-Career Quiz and the Background-Career Quiz. Through answering a series of simple questions regarding your interests, strengths, education, and experiences, you may get insights on the entrepreneurship direction that suit you the most.


Source: Y.E.S. Services, Employee’s Retraining Board,

“Startup How-tos” is an introductory guidebook written for entrepreneurship newbies, providing startup tips and related public services information.