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[Social Innovation] SIE Fund's new batch of intermediaries to provide support for social entrepreneurs

[Social Innovation] SIE Fund's new batch of intermediaries to provide

The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) has appointed four organisations as the third batch of intermediaries in 2023 to run a new round of innovative programmes to provide support for more social entrepreneurs. By promoting social innovation and entrepreneurship, it enables more social entrepreneurs to address social needs through innovative ideas, products and services, and assists the Government in formulating targeted poverty alleviation initiatives. The four intermediaries appointed are Fullness Social Enterprises Society Ltd, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, MakerBay Foundation Limited and Oxfam Hong Kong.

The four intermediaries are knowledgeable and experienced organisations in the social innovation field. They aim to nurture and support social innovators and organisations to develop innovative projects with diversity and impact through the following innovative programmes. Individuals and organisations with innovative ideas in addressing poverty issues and wish to seek financial support to implement innovative projects may learn more by clicking the below logos and approach the intermediaries running innovative programmes directly and submit applications under their funding schemes.

Wish to compare the four innovative programmes in one go? Do not miss the Programme at a glance, a clear comparison table highlighting the eligibility, amount of grant and uniquite features of the prorgammes.

Innovator Farm

Impact Incubator

Impact Innovation Lab

Grant for Good

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