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e-Book Highlights - Be Gentle with Yourself – Inspirational Stories

You may browse selected articles from below e-databases via E-Account; or Library card; or Smart Identity Card allowed for Library Purposes; AND Password.If you have never applied for a library card or E-Account of Hong Kong Public Libraries, please visit the Hong Kong Public Libraries website to know more aboout the application details.      《The Lost Art of Doing Nothing》 Introduction: Don’t you think it’s time for a break? Plagued – as we are – by non-stops pings and notifications, we have lost the knack of zoning out. Slacking off. Even when pandemic induced lockdowns forcibly cleared out calendars, many who I’m free! Filled their days with Netflix and doom-scrolling. How can we reclaim our free time (planned or not) to truly rest and reset? The Dutch have it figured out: with niksen. Perhaps their-best kept lifestyle secret, niksen is the art of doing, well, nothing. It’s the opposite of productivity, and it’s incredibly good for your mind, body, creativity, and wallet.  Author: Willems, MaartjePublisher: The Experiment, 2021Source: OverDrive eBooks (Back to top)   《你要走多遠》 (Please refer to the Chinese version)  Author: 余漢傑(Titus) 著, 梁小偉(Gary) 著Publisher: 聯合電子,2020Printed Book: Library CatalogueSource: SUEP eBooks (Back to top) 《不幹了!我開除了黑心公司》 (Please refer to the Chinese version) Author: 北川惠海 著;まざきももこ 插畫;古曉雯 譯Publisher: 台灣角川,2020Printed Book: Library CatalogueSource: HyRead eBooks (Back to top)   (The information is provided by Hong Kong Public Libraries)