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[Subsidy] Any Subsidy for Studying in the Mainland?

Definitely! There is a subsidy scheme for Hong Kong students who are pursuing studies in the Mainland. To ensure that no students will be deprived of post-secondary education for financial reasons, the Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme (MUSSS) is available for Hong Kong students. Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme The MUSSS is available for eligible Hong Kong students pursuing undergraduate studies in 193 designated Mainland institutions. The MUSSS comprises two components: “means-tested subsidy” and “non-means-tested subsidy”. The subsidised period is the normal duration of the undergraduate programme pursued by the student concerned in a designated Mainland institution, and the subsidy is granted on a yearly basis.  Eligible applicants can only receive either a means-tested subsidy or a non-means-tested subsidy in a given academic year.  The MUSSS is not subject to any quota. Application Procedures Students may submit applications through the MUSSS Electronic Application Platform or by post.  New applicants must submit their applications via the MUSSS Electronic Application Platform or send the completed application forms and supporting documents by post to the Education Bureau on or before 8 September 2023.   Details of the Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme>> Application form for the Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme>> Higher education institutions in the Mainland also offer their own scholarships, grants, fee remission, etc.  For details and requirements, please refer to the information from individual institutions.     Source: Education Bureau - Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme   

[Subsidy] Subsidy Schemes for Local Studies

If you decide to continue your study locally and need financial supports, no worry! You can pay attention to the following financial assistance schemes provided by the Student Finance Office of Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency. You can also use the tool “What am I eligible for?” to sort out the assistance scheme(s) which you may apply for and to calculate the estimated amount/level of assistance. 1. Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) For students taking up exclusively UGC-funded or publicly-funded full-time programmes. 2. Non-Means-Tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT) For students pursuing programmes covered under the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS). 3. Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) For students taking up full-time, locally-accredited, self-financing post-secondary education programmes. 4. Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS) For students pursuing programmes covered under the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP). 5. Extended Non-Means-Tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) For students pursuing specific post-secondary / continuing and professional education courses provided in Hong Kong 6. Student Travel Subsidy for Tertiary or Post-secondary Students For successful applicants of TSFS and FASP, attend full-time day courses up to first degree level and reside beyond 10 minutes walking distance from student’s normal place of study and travel to school by public transportation. Continuing Education Fund The Continuing Education Fund (CEF) subsidises adults who aspire to further their education through continuing education and training courses.  Eligible applicants may submit an unlimited number of claims for reimbursement of course fees on successful completion of CEF reimbursable courses up to a maximum sum of HK$25,000.  The co-payment ratios by learners (i.e. the percentage of course fee to be borne by learners) for the first HK$10,000 subsidy is 20% of the course fee and that for the remaining HK$15,000 subsidy is 40% of the course fee. Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses Under the Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses, you can be entitled to 30%, 50% or 100% reimbursement of the tuition fee paid, subject to meeting the prescribed criteria. Subsidy Scheme for Further Studies in the Mainland Students who are interested in applying to the Mainland higher education institutions, you may refer to [Subsidy] Any subsidy for Studying in the Mainland? for more information.   Source: Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency

Urban Forestry Support Fund - Trainee Programme opens for application througout the year

The Trainee Programme under the Urban Forestry Support Fund encourages employers to engage and train arboriculture and tree management graduates to become quality arborists and tree climbers to support tree management and maintenance work in Hong Kong.The “Urban Forestry Support Fund - Trainee Programme” follows the “first-hire-then-train” principle, and will provide a training allowance of about 30 per cent of agreed monthly remuneration levels to the trainees through their employers, as well as a bonus of $30,000 and $20,000 upon their acquisition of recognised arborist or tree climber professional qualifications respectively. The training periods for arborist and tree climber trainees are three years and 18 months respectively.Eligible employers are invited to participate in the Trainee Programme to take in arborist and tree climber trainees at agreed or higher remuneration levels (including the training allowances provided under the programme).  They are also required to provide structured training that meets stipulated requirements. About the Programme Monthly training allowanceArborist Trainees $4,500*    Tree Climber Trainees $5,000*Starting monthly pay point (including monthly training allowance)    Arborist Trainees $14,500*    Tree Climber Trainees $15,000*Bonus (upon completion of training and acquisition of recognised professional qualification)            Arborist Trainees $30,000    Tree Climber Trainees $20,000Training periodArborist Trainees 3 yearsTree Climber Trainees 18 months*The amounts are subject to adjustment by the Construction Industry Council upon completion of each year of training with consideration of factors including inflation.Eligibility (Employers - Applicants)- Arboriculture, tree management and landscape companies with active tree inspection and/or tree work related contract(s) for the Government or the private sector of duration not less than one year or organisations managing a substantial amount of tree assset; and- Have the following employees in the company:     (For engaging Arborist Trainees) At least 1 arborist who meets the requirement for the training tutor of Arborist Trainee    (For engaging Tree Climber Trainees) At least 1 tree climber who meets the requirement for the training tutor of Tree Climber Trainee Eligibility (Trainees - Employees)- Hong Kong residents- Graduates of local arboriculture, tree management and tree work programmes at:    (For engaging Arborist Trainees) Level 3 to Level 5 of the Qualifications Framework    (For engaging Tree Climber Trainees) Level 3 to Level 4 of the Qualifications Framework- Have not possessed any recognised professional qualifications Eligibility (Training Tutors - to be provided by employers)Training Tutors of Arborist Trainees- HKQF Level 4 or above in arboriculture related academic qualification; and- Professional qualification in arboriculture; and- Completed and passed tree risk assessment and management training course organised or recognised by the Tree Management Office; and - Received relevant occupational safey and health training relating to tree work operation; and - At least 7 years of work experience in tree care and familiar with tree risk assessment and managementTraining Tutors of Tree Climber Trainees- Received relevant occupational safey and health training relating to tree work operation; and- Completed training in tree work operations (including tree climbing (rope access), use of chainsaw and aerial rescue); and- At least 3 years of work experience in tree care and tree climbingThe programme accepts applications throughout the year. The relevant application form and training framework document can be downloaded from the website of the Construction Industry Council. Here below is the sharing of students, employers and training tutors from the Urban Forestry Support Fund - Trainee Programme. (The video is broadcasted in Cantonese)

Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme

In recent years, green and sustainability issues have been gaining much attention in the international community.  Hong Kong is also firmly committed to promoting green and sustainable finance (GSF) to address climate-related financial risks, and raise market awareness as well as participation. In order to strengthen Hong Kong market players’ capacity on GSF, there is a critical need to expand the talent pool and enhance the capacity building for practitioners as well as prospective practitioners. The Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme (Scheme) aims to support talent development in GSF by providing subsidies to market practitioners as well as prospective practitioners in taking up relevant training and acquiring relevant professional qualifications. The Scheme will run for a pilot period of three years and is administered by the Secretariat of the Centre for Green and Sustainable Finance (Secretariat). Eligibility Requirement The Pilot Scheme is open for application by Hong Kong residents who are market practitioners and prospective practitioners of green and sustainable finance, namely students and graduates in relevant disciplines. After completing eligible programmes, applicants can apply for a subsidy of up to 80 per cent of the relevant fees (full-time student applicants can apply for a subsidy of up to 100 per cent of the relevant fees), subject to a ceiling of $10,000. Application procedures Details including the eligibility requirements, procedures for subsidy applications, and the list of eligible programmes are available on the Pilot Scheme's website.

[#BackToSchool] Subsidy & Scholarship Schemes for Local Studies

At the beginning of a new academic year, you may have started planning about your colourful tertiary school life. However, please don’t forget to pay proper attention to your financial plans so as to achieve your goals for your tertiary education. Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency provides various schemes ranging from financial assistance, scholarships to merit award schemes. You can also use the tool “What am I eligible for?” to sort out the assistance scheme(s) which you may apply for and to calculate the estimated amount/level of assistance. Student Finance Office provides you with a Scheme Finder to search for other Scholarships, Grants & Loans Schemes. Moreover, our website also lists out the useful links of Financial Assistance for Tertiary Students. To learn more about the application processes of the various schemes, relevant videos on the SFO YouTube Channel are handy shortcuts.