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Seven Green turtles released

(The photo is provided by Information Services Department) The Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department and Ocean Park Hong Kong released seven endangered green turtles in the southern waters of Hong Kong. The turtles were accommodated temporarily at Ocean Park and were assessed by veterinarians. which are in good condition and ready to return to sea. Each turtle was tagged with a microchip and Inconel tags for future identification before they were released. A satellite transmitter was also attached to the carapace of each turtle. The department can collect data to formulate conservation measures by tracking the movement and feeding grounds of green turtles. Green turtles are the only species of sea turtle known to nest locally. All wild turtles, including sea turtles, in Hong Kong, are protected by the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap 170). People who hunt, disturb, possess, sell or export sea turtles, including their nests and eggs, except in accordance with a special permit, will be liable to a maximum fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for one year. Additionally, all sea turtle species are listed in Appendix I to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora and regulated under the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals & Plants Ordinance (Cap 586).  The import, export, re-export or possession of specimens of endangered species not in accordance with the ordinance is an offence. The maximum penalty is a fine of $10 million and 10 years in jail. People are urged to report any sighting of sea turtles or suspicious activities involving the marine animal to the department by calling 1823.