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Young Entrepreneurs

(YETP) Need jobs? Try On-the-job Training


(YETP) Need jobs? Try On-the-job Training

It is not easy to find a job, right?

Why not try to find a job through On-the-Job Training under YETP of Labour Department?

Job Application Process
1. Trainees may select on-the-job training vacancy online by themselves or under the guidance of Case Managers and register with the Programme Office. The Programme Office may also introduce suitable on-the-job training vacancies to trainees depending on different needs and situations.

2.The Programme Office will verify the eligibility of Trainees who register for vacancies or inform them of the registration progress within four working days, then confirm the arrangement of interviews or submission of trainees' resumes with Employers and refer Trainees to Employers for recruitment selection.

3.When Employers receive Trainees' resumes, they may arrange interviews or other recruitment process with Trainees directly or through the Programme Office.

4. Employers have to return all the referral results to the Programme Office so as to inform both Trainees and their case managers of the results afterwards. If Trainees did not receive any notification about interview two weeks after submission of resumes, they should assume their applications unsuccessful and consider applying for other job vacancies.

5. If Employers contact trainees to make employment arrangement directly, Trainees should inform their case manager and the Programme Office as soon as possible, and also update their employment status online.

If the employment is successful
Trainees will start their on-the-job training and draw up an Employment Contract with Employers. The Programme Office will confirm the arrangement of on-the-job training with Employers and Trainees.

During the on-the-job training period
- Trainees are engaged as employees with employer-employee relationship, Employers will pay salary to Trainees.

- Employers will appoint staff with relevant work experience as Trainees’ mentors so as to ensure suitable training and guidance support to trainees.

- Trainees may apply for off-the-job vocational course subsidy from the Programme Office and reimburse course and examination fees up to $4,000 for each on-the-job training placement under the YETP.

- Case managers will provide on-the-job support services to Trainees.

Upon completion of the on-the-job training
- Employers will issue a certificate specifying the skill/qualification attained and the period of on-the-job training to Trainees.

- Trainees with good performance may have the opportunities to be offered further employment by employers.


Visit the YETP website for more details!