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Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme

The Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme (the Scheme) offers you an opportunity to earn a monthly salary not less than HK$18,000, broaden your horizon, and explore a new career pathway in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area (GBA)! The Government launched the pilot Scheme in 2021 and gained very favourable feedback from both the participating enterprises and young persons. To foster career development of young persons and the exchange of talents in the GBA, the Labour Department launched the regularised Scheme since 2023 to continue encouraging enterprises to offer jobs and engage Hong Kong young persons to work in the Mainland cities of GBA.The 2024 Scheme is now commenced. Hong Kong residents who are holding bachelor's degrees or above awarded by universities/ tertiary institutions within or outside Hong Kong in 2022 to 2024 and legally employable in Hong Kong are eligible for the Scheme. The eligible young persons will be employed by the participating enterprises in accordnace with Hong Kong laws and offered a monthly salary of not less than HK$18,000, they will also be stationed in the Mainland cities of GBA to work and receive on-the-job training. The Government will provide enterprises with a monthly allowance of HK$10,000 for each employed young person for a maximum of 18 months. Eligible young persons may visit the website of the Scheme for job vacancies.   Sharing by Participating Graduates (Chinese version only)    

Increased training allowance for Youth Employment and Training Programme trainees

Commencing from 23 February 2024, the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) of the Labour Department (LD) has increased the amount of training allowance for trainees to a maximum of $333 per day. Trainees may enrol in training courses of Employees Retraining Board (ERB) or the YETP with the assistance of their case managers with a view to enhancing their employability and preparing them for entering the employment market. Eligible YETP trainees who completed a training course and attained 80% attendance or more are entitled to a training allowance. For training courses commencing on or after 23 February 2024, the amount of training allowance payable for “Youth Training Programme” courses of Employees Retraining Board (ERB) will be calculated at a rate of $167 per valid training day, while that for other ERB courses and the YETP courses will be calculated at a rate of $333 per day (i.e. $166.5 per valid training session). About the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP)The YETP is free and welcomes young school leavers aged 15 to 24 with an educational attainment at a sub-degree level or below to enrol. The YETP offers services that include pre-employment training, workplace attachment training, on-the-job training and case management services provided by registered social workers. For details, please visit the YETP's website. The LD has also set up a Youth Employment Services hotline at 2112 9932 to provide a one-stop enquiry service regarding the programme, and register on-the-job training vacancies from employers.

[Career] Ways to Get Employed

Some of you may have thought about your career plans and considered getting employed. We have prepared some related career information for you. You can obtain information of vacancies through the following channels: 1. Employment Services of Government     -    - Interactive Employment Service of the Labour Department 2. Newspaper/ Professional Magazine/ Recruitment Notice on Street/ Internet Advertisement 3. Recruitment Day/ Careers Exhibition (Applicants are required to register the events at the designated location and time, please remember to bring your identity cards, recent photos, qualification proof and employment proof.) 4. Referral by Relatives/ Friends 5. Unsolicited Applications (Common practice for the Banking, Advertising, Hotel, Catering and Education and some professional industries) 6. Private Employment Agency (There may be service charges occurred. According to the Employment Agencies Regulations, the maximum commission allowed to be charged by an employment agency for a successfully arranged job should be an amount not exceeding one-tenth of the job seeker’s first-month salary) Please visit “A Guide to Job Hunting” of Labour Department for more details. Opportunities in the Government Apart from the job vacancies in the private market, the government also offers numerous job opportunities that may suit you. Interested students can get more information from below links: - Applying for Government Jobs: Government jobs for both civil service posts and non-civil service positions.- DSE Way out: Government Jobs: The qualification requirements of government jobs- - Gov Job: A list of government job vacancies   Sources:Labour Department - Youth Employment StartGovHK

Increasing Workplace Attachment Allowance of the Youth Employment and Training Programme of the Labour Department

To further encourage young people to acquire practical work experience, unleash their potential and explore employment opportunities through workplace attachment training, the rate of workplace attachment training allowance of the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) of the Labour Department (LD) will be raised on or after 1 July 2023. Upon satisfactory completion of the workplace attachment training with an attendance rate of 80% or more, an allowance would be awarded to the trainees by the Programme Office. The amount of allowance is $5,800 for workplace attachment training commencing during the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2023 and $7,300 with effect from 1 July 2023. For details, please visit the YETP’s website or call the hotline 2112 9932. About the YETP The YETP is free and welcomes young school leavers aged 15 to 24 with an educational attainment at a sub-degree level or below to enrol. The YETP offers services that include pre-employment training, workplace attachment training, on-the-job training and case management services provided by registered social workers. For details, please visit the YETP's website. The LD has also set up a Youth Employment Services hotline at 2112 9932 to provide a one-stop enquiry service regarding the programme, and register on-the-job training vacancies from employers.

[GoGBA one-stop platform] New features to help develop businesses in the Greater Bay Area

Unleash the potential for local young people and Small and Medium Enterprises in the thriving Greater Bay Area (GBA). Hong Kong Trade Development Council's  GoGBA one-stop platform offers comprehensive career and business information in the GBA. Apart from the new Career and Service Providers features, the GoGBA Go-to Guides for instance, hope to help entrepreneurs and businesses with the first steps of setting up a business, handling taxation and completing related procedures. Connect with business partners and access career information in the GBA with just few clicks! Visit to know more! Stay connected with our GoGBA WeChat Mini-program for the latest updates. (Scan QR code in WeChat)    

Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme

In recent years, green and sustainability issues have been gaining much attention in the international community.  Hong Kong is also firmly committed to promoting green and sustainable finance (GSF) to address climate-related financial risks, and raise market awareness as well as participation. In order to strengthen Hong Kong market players’ capacity on GSF, there is a critical need to expand the talent pool and enhance the capacity building for practitioners as well as prospective practitioners. The Pilot Green and Sustainable Finance Capacity Building Support Scheme (Scheme) aims to support talent development in GSF by providing subsidies to market practitioners as well as prospective practitioners in taking up relevant training and acquiring relevant professional qualifications. The Scheme will run for a pilot period of three years and is administered by the Secretariat of the Centre for Green and Sustainable Finance (Secretariat). Eligibility Requirement The Pilot Scheme is open for application by Hong Kong residents who are market practitioners and prospective practitioners of green and sustainable finance, namely students and graduates in relevant disciplines. After completing eligible programmes, applicants can apply for a subsidy of up to 80 per cent of the relevant fees (full-time student applicants can apply for a subsidy of up to 100 per cent of the relevant fees), subject to a ceiling of $10,000. Application procedures Details including the eligibility requirements, procedures for subsidy applications, and the list of eligible programmes are available on the Pilot Scheme's website.

How do I choose an insurance policy that best suits my needs?

Insurance is a risk-transfer tool. An individual who takes out an insurance policy pays a premium to transfer the risk of a potential financial loss to an insurer. The larger the expected financial loss, the more important insurance is. To deal with unpredictable risks and to ensure financial security, it is better to take out appropriate insurance as early as possible. No one can predict the future. Without being insured, you may experience financial hardship in the event of an accident. But if you are insured before the accident, you will receive monetary compensation from the insurer to cover at least part of your costs. The earlier you take out an insurance policy, the sooner you are protected. How do I choose an insurance policy that best suits my needs?Changes in the stages of your life affect your risk exposure and responsibilities. To choose a policy that suits your needs, you should, in general, identify your protection needs and objectives according to your current life stage. You can use the online assessment tool developed by the Insurance Authority to find out whether your existing insurance coverage is adequate for your circumstances and forecast your insurance needs for the next 50 years. Which types of insurance do I need?Consider why you want to buy insurance and learn about the functions and features of the different insurance products so that you can choose the type that best suits your needs in different stages of your life. Here are some common insurance products for individuals:1. Life insurance2. Critical illness insurance3. Medical insurance (Group and individual medical insurance)4. Accident insurance 5. Annuity6. Fire insurance or home insurance7. Motor insurance 8. Travel insurance 9. Domestic helper insurance Should I purchase every type of insurance? Is more insurance always better?Everyone has their own path on their life journey with their particular circumstances and financial situation, so everyone has different insurance needs. Furthermore, some insurance products, like medical insurance, work on a reimbursement basis. You cannot claim more than the amount actually paid even if you are covered by a number of insurance policies or a policy with a huge sum insured. And the more policies you have and the higher the amount insured, the higher the premiums you will have to pay. Be sure you do not end up with financial problems because of taking out too many policies. Before choosing an insurance product that suits you in terms of coverage, sum insured, premium level and risk level, identify your protection needs according to your current life stage by making reference to one of the following situations: childhood and adolescence, young adulthood, mature adulthood, raising a family, pre-retirement. For more details, please visit the Insurance Authority’s thematic sitelet or its YouTube channel to watch the relevant video series (The information is abstracted from the Insurance Authority’s thematic sitelet)

How to define myself as "employee" or "contractor or self-employed person"?

To avoid misunderstanding or dispute, the relevant persons should understand clearly their mode of cooperation according to their intention and clarify their identities, whether they are engaged as an employee or a contractor/self-employed person, before entering into a contract. This can safeguard mutual rights and benefits.Employees should note-  An employee should identify who his employer is before entering into an employment contract.- Before an employee considers changing his status to a contractor or self-employed person, he must cautiously assess the pros and cons involved, including the employment rights and benefits that he may lose in such a change.- An employer should not unilaterally change the status of his employee to a contractor or self-employed person without the consent of the employee.- A contractor or self-employed person should consider taking out a personal accident insurance policy with adequate coverage on his own. There is no one single conclusive test to distinguish an “employee” from a “contractor or self-employed person”. In differentiating these two identities, all relevant factors of the case should be taken into account. Please visit Labour Department website for more details. And the actual circumstances in each case are different, the final interpretation will rest with the court in case of a dispute. For the reference court cases, please click here for more details. If an employer fails to fulfil his obligations under the relevant legislation, the employee may call the Labour Department complaint hotline at 2815 2200 (information will be handled in confidence), or seek assistance in person at the offices of the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department. For further enquiries about the differences between an “employee” and a “contractor or selfemployed person”, you may- Call the enquiry hotline: 2717 1771 (the hotline is handled by “1823”)- Visit the offices of the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department (Click here for the addresses of the Offices)